Should i be worried about this?

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by PORTTIKORTTI » Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:53 am

okay thank you guys and gals :) i'm just gonna keep on stretching and hoping it doesn't get too thin. and if it does i'm gonna do some tricks to make it thicker again : D
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by DeluxeCameronOdom » Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:25 pm

corazon_de_oro wrote:If it doesn't bother you, don't worry about it. If the one is way too low, it could get too thin at larger sizes, so keep that in mind.

SassafrasChelsea wrote:yea, I just went to walmart or piercing's cheap but I've gotten my ears pierced 4 times at piercing padoga and 4 times at walmart...and I've never had an infection :) cheap and good XD

Wal-Mart and Piercing Pagoda are NOT "good!" They can't even fully sterilize the equipment, the people working there probably don't even know what an autoclave is. They have like maybe a couple days of "training" and are turned loose to pierce kids and even infants. You can't compare that to a professional body piercer who has completed a year (or more)-long apprenticeship and puts safety above everything. Not to mention those guns cause lots of scar tissue and the aftercare instructions they give you are the opposite of what you should really do.

^This, one billion times, this!^
Cameron Odom
Body Piercer at Deluxe Tattoo Shop

Earlobes scalpeled from nothing to 00g
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by saply » Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:58 am

I have the same thing! My ears were pierced by some drunk idiot friend of my father's when I was a baby, so they've been crooked all my life. I found that while stretching, the problem isn't really one lobe being too thin, but too thick! I'm going to go up to about 16mm or so to see if that balances them out.

Just remember, the human brain is trained to interpret symmetry in what it sees. Chances are nobody will even notice it unless you point it out.
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by greeneyedbabe€ » Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:24 am

My ears are also like that, my right one is tad lower than my left and I am usually the only person who notices it and only in certain jewlery and to me your lobes look fine, I don't think you will have any issues stretching if you take your time and do it right
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by Aurasoulful » Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:50 pm

Oh lord,
I had all three of my piercings done with a gun when I was 14. The cartilage "blew out" In the back and took YEARS to heal. The blow out is gone now, after 12 years. :? I don't even know if stretching is a good idea now. But since it's been so long, maybe it can still be possible. I'll be sure to get some emu, vit E, and jojoba oil. I'm using Holey butt'r for the time being. Soothing stuff.

@ Porttikortti- Maybe you may have to let the lower piercing go a little slower then the other ear. I've seen people stretch each ear at different sizes. Either that or wait longer between sizes for both and oil massage in between.

I just realized this thread is old :oops: Oh well :3
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