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by ms.doomsday » Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:19 am

piercers are professional piercers, thats it. and some cant even call themselves professional anyway. and true, if her opinions matter so much why even ask on here?

everyone gets their own experiences so maybe you just gotta do things your own way.

my whole history of stretching methods has been far from "by the book" and my ears are totally fine. if you wanna start taping my all means do it. i even used electrical tape, just gotta keep your plugs clean.
before theyre healed and you still cant take them out, do your best to wash them in the shower, after that just take your plugs out before stepping in like getting undressed, wash and put them back in when your done with the shower..
another solution is what i did, everysingle pair of plugs i bought i had to fall in love with first, even tapers. that way, when i would get to that size i would just leave them in, enjoy them for a few months, my ears by that time would be looser and almost to the next size anyway, when i was ready, id look for another pair of plugs to fall in love with that were couple sizes bigger and work up to them. wash, rinse, repeat.

in the end, its your body.
I speak from experience.
Stretching for 8 yrs. Current size: 3/4"
Bad Habits Galore. Not Easily Offended.
Posts: 31
Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:16 am
Location: Austin Texas US.

by WindowLicker » Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:12 pm

I did it very similarly to you, doomsday. Up till now I haven't had any problems.
The sound of gun fire so loud and rapid, but it seems to be so quiet around me, and out of nowhere I feel peace cover me. I reach down and reload my ticket home. The taste of cold steel on my lips, and a second later silence fills the January air...
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by HiMyNameIsMegan » Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:44 pm

Lol over exaggeration on how much tapers are. It's upto you anyway! Half the people who use this forum have more experience than piercers on ear stretching. Piercers are there to put the hole in you're ear to begin with, Sometimes half of the piercers around give the wrong advice on ear stretching. Infact when i went in to get my lip pierced, I asked my piercer when i could start stretching (he didnt pierce me the size i wanted), this was years ago. He thought the idea was completely stupid. I found a new piercer anyway.
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