Are my ears supposed to still be hurting

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by KattAlex » Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:12 am

My ears were originally a 20g but last night I finally got a pair of 14g barbells through my ears with the help of some extra virgin olive oil since I didn't have any lotion. Well, of course my ears burned and were red but after a while it only hurt around the piercing. My ears after a night of careful sleep still hurt but only in the piercing. Also, last night I couldn't move it with out a lot of force placed on it and now I can move it a little more easily. Is this normal?
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by StrickyCub » Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:33 am

You shouldn't be moving it at all, this actually slows down healing.
Also you skipped 2 sizes. You should have gone 18g, 16, 14g.
I suggest downsizing. If you want advice try browsing around the forums and read other people's threads, because I'm too tired to repeat myself atm.

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by ms.doomsday » Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:13 pm

yes its normal. use neosporin as lube when you stretch.
I speak from experience.
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by WindowLicker » Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:14 am

Both Cub and doomsday are right. You shouldn't have skipped sizes and yes, it is normal for your ears to still be hurting after skipping 2 sizes. As everyone on here has been sayin to other people, HAVE PATIENCE AND LISTEN TO YOUR EARS. That's key to avoiding blowouts, tears, and other terrible, awful, terrifying, painful (insert other fear inducing words here) things :)
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by Hybrid » Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:43 am

If you used a barebell then most likely it had threads on the ends. This along with skipping two sizes probably tore up the inside of your ears. Now depending on how long you have had your ears pierced depends on how bad you roughed up your ears. I would suggest, assuming you didn't have them pierced more than a year ago, downsizing to the 20g again. If they have been pierced a few years maybe downsize to 18 or 16g. It's up to you though.
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by ms.doomsday » Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:02 pm

my post was misunderstood. just because theres pain does not mean you shouldnt do it. just because theres pain d o e s n o t mean you have a blow out. just because theres pain d o e s n o t mean you tore your ear. body modifiers are sometimes ok with pain. if you are like me and do things despite of pain. you are fine skipping sizes.


if you are going to skip sizes, always remember:

-only skip as many sizes as you are completely comfortable with.
-[my experience] skip f e w e r sizes as you get to bigger sizes.
-the smaller gauges are easier to skip over.
-you m u s t allow a longer period of time to allow for healing.
-this also requires more dedication in keeping your lobes m o i s t u r i z e d and clean thru the healing process.
-tip: try to use plugs that are of a porous material. ie. bone, wood, clay
-neosporin as lube.
-stone plugs, more expensive but heavier, are good because the weight alone will stretch your ears more in between stretching. i suggest invest in some nice heavy stone plugs that you really like, get them in a size you will be satisfied with for a few months, get to that size and chill. once you feel the desire to skip a few more sizes [months later, its not a race].. get ANOTHER pair of stone plugs that are your next goal size [remember skip fewer sizes the bigger you are] then use tape and pulling method till you are there.
-meanwhile you get to sit and enjoy these awesome plugs, everyone else is busy buying tapers and plugs in every size just to get the same result..
-i speak from experience and i too didnt have money to buy every single size every month so this is the way i did it.

hope i helped someone out.
I speak from experience.
Stretching for 8 yrs. Current size: 3/4"
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by WindowLicker » Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:12 pm

ms.doomsday wrote:-meanwhile you get to sit and enjoy these awesome plugs, everyone else is busy buying tapers and plugs in every size just to get the same result..
-i speak from experience and i too didnt have money to buy every single size every month so this is the way i did it.

We may be buying tapers and such, but it's really not that expensive to do. Also, being smarter about it and NOT skipping sizes is a much safer way of stretching your ears as you completely avoid the risk of blow outs, tearing, etc. I'm not saying you don't know what you're doing, cause I did it the same way you did (skipping a few sizes etc.) but it's really not the best way of doing it. The only reason my ears aren't totally screwed up is because I spent a year gettin to 3/4. I really really took my time. I completely agree with what you said in regard to wearin heavier plugs, it definitely helps. However, as for wearing more porous plugs that's kinda a bad idea. The more porous plugs have more room to allow bacteria to get inside of them. Should you get any tears in your ears that bacteria can get into those tears and give you problems. If you do wear the more porous stuff, acrylic included, make sure you stay on top of cleaning your plugs.
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by ms.doomsday » Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:25 pm

The more porous plugs have more room to allow bacteria to get inside of them. Should you get any tears in your ears that bacteria can get into those tears and give you problems.

^^^this has never been a problem
but yes i clean my ears daily. i remove my plugs everyday in the shower, wash my lobe and plug, lotion or neosporin my ears depending on the day and weather and put the plugs back in.

i never said it was the best option, just another option. the poster was asking about skipping sizes so i gave my theory on s k i p p i n g s i z e s
I speak from experience.
Stretching for 8 yrs. Current size: 3/4"
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by WindowLicker » Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:27 pm

I know, I'm just offering my two cents worth on his question, but also giving another side to what you're sayin. I wasn't sayin you don't keep your jewelry/ears clean, that was meant to be directed at OP. I know you've been takin care of your lobes based on what your previous posts.
The sound of gun fire so loud and rapid, but it seems to be so quiet around me, and out of nowhere I feel peace cover me. I reach down and reload my ticket home. The taste of cold steel on my lips, and a second later silence fills the January air...
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by corazon_de_oro » Fri Dec 24, 2010 5:37 am

Just to add something, pain is not the only issue when it comes to skipping sizes. Pain is only temporary, but the damage you could do to your lobes won't be. Just because the smaller sizes are, well, smaller, does not mean they're safer to skip! Think about it: small sizes set the foundation for all future stretches, and if you skip those you could build up scar tissue that makes it super hard to stretch in the future. Also, going from 20G (0.8mm) to 14G (1.6mm) is expanding the hole by twice its size! You wouldn't go from 8mm to 16mm, would you? So why go from 0.8 to 1.6?
Pain doesn't bother me much either when it comes to body modification. Piercings hurt, tattoos hurt, but it's worth it. The thing is, pain and stretching don't mix; safe stretching involves creating micro-tears that don't cause any open wounds, and in earlobes this should be virtually painless. There might be a small amount of tightness or pinching when you first stretch, but it should never burn or sting, especially for that long. Stretching isn't about tearing tissue, waiting for it to heal, and forcing it to stretch again. It's about letting your lobes loosen up and get comfortable at one size, and then slowly moving on to another.

Not trying to lecture anyone or say that anyone is wrong, just giving my two cents.
I'm Lindsay.
I have 1/2" lobes and 11 piercings: left helix x2, both conches, both nostrils, septum, navel, and VCH.
My lobes are small but I know a lot about stretching and how to do it safely, so message me if you have any questions!
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