Am I the only person who cant unscrew barbells?

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by Imaburger » Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:49 pm

I have some serious issues. Okay, not that serious but either way I feel stupid. I can not unscrew these darn balls on my 14g barbell piercing. I want to put in some plugs or pinchers but I can unscrew this darn thing. Any tips?
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by corazon_de_oro » Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:48 am

Sometimes piercers put balls on super tight so be careful; if you really can't get it off the safest thing to do is go back to your piercer. They'll be able to do it faster and easier so you won't hurt yourself. I'm really clumsy so I'm not the best at screwing/unscrewing stuff but the best advice I can give is that most of the time you don't have to try as hard as you think. Sometimes if I'm using a lot of strength to unscrew a ball and can't get it I stop and try to do it super gently and it comes right off. I've heard of some people taking one of those really wide rubber bands, wrapping it around the ball, and unscrewing it that way, but I've never tried it.
I'm Lindsay.
I have 1/2" lobes and 11 piercings: left helix x2, both conches, both nostrils, septum, navel, and VCH.
My lobes are small but I know a lot about stretching and how to do it safely, so message me if you have any questions!
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