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by Eloiser » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:57 pm

so yeahh, i have a bar in at the moment and have had it in a couple days, i have a spike which is the same size or maybe a tiny bit bigger but i really want to put it in.
I took my bar out cleaned it and it went back in really easily, more easy then putting normal sized earings in my piercing.
I was wondering if i could put my spike in now, after just two days?
My friend and i got our bars at the same time and she is going to put her spike in, But i wanted to see if it was okay to do that?
Thanks :D
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by maddtastic » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:46 am

I think it depends on the size, the smallest time period i waited between actual stretches was 5 days between 12 and 10 so if it's a smaller size it's probably fine
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by loiselisabeth » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:25 am

i waited at least two weeks between the small sizes, after 12g i waited 4 weeks, and after 8g I wait 6 weeks, and anything bigger then 4g I'm going to wait 2 months.

it's important your ear is fully healed before putting any new jewelry in or stretch anything bigger.
When you stretch there will be tiny tears in your ear tissue. They are so tiny they do not bleed or be very painful. Those tears need to heal. If you change your piercing alot in a not fully healed, you have more chance getting infections.
So if you really want to put new jewelry in, you should wait at least two weeks before the tears in your ear tissue are healed.
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by Eloiser » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:37 pm

Thanks everyone for the replys :) x
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