They're 0g. I'm really happy with the size of them. I wanted something that was a good size,but not huge. I like them so well I wouldn't mind getting a pair in honey, though in this more rounded style,on BAF anyway,they only seem to have black,clear,& ocean. But in the style where it's more flattened at the bottom like the photo of the girl w/the one in her conch,they have them in honey,& the other colors too. But they're a great price for what you're getting. I also really, really love those GWS clear honeycomb plugs I got-they're amazing,& I've worn them every day since I got them. I keep thinking they're my first GWS,but I keep forgetting about those plain no flare clear tunnels I had at 1/2". But they were just a simple pair & didn't have a design. But anyway,I was really impressed with how nice they were, & so crystal clear. The only thing is the back flare is really small. Everyone kept saying how huge they thought the flares were in the reviews,but I didn't think so.Maybe it's just my pair.No biggie though,I just put an o-ring on the back. They somehow look like they're lit from within,& actually, my bf said it looked like I had LED lights in my ears
But I'm looking forward to that sale too! I saw these awesome plugs on GWS's FB page,& they're not available on BAF yet . ... =3&theater With my luck,they probably will be right after the sale.I've always loved anything with scarabs on them & my mom used to have one of those bracelets where they carve the stones to look like scarabs & it reminds me of that. But the next sale is April 6-7,so maybe by then.I've never pre-ordered anything before,but I would with these.