mouse2cat wrote:This is the timeline I am going by
16g to 14g - 1 month
14g to 12g - 1 month
12g to 10g - 1.5 months
10g to 8g - 2 months
8g to 6g - 3 months
6g to 4g - 3 month
4g to 2g - 3 months
2g to 0g - 4 months
0g to 00g - 4 months
Honestly, there's no way to put a timeline on stretching. You move up to the next size when you can without pain or resistance, which usually takes six weeks or more. A month really isn't long enough to wait between the small stretches... for some reason people get the idea that they're easier just because they're smaller. However, when you think about it, if you go from 16G-14G it's a 0.4mm difference or a 1/3 increase in size. 10G-8G is also a 1/3 increase, so why would it require more time?
Also, with 2G-0G and 0G-00G, instead of waiting more time what you really need to do is get in-between sizes or tape. Very few people can make the 2G-0G jump without pain or tearing even if they stay at 2G for ages. My larger stretches have actually been much easier than the small ones because I'm only going 1mm at a time and it's less of an increase in the total size of the fistula.
Sorry to butt in, I just see that timeline floating around here a lot and I really don't care for it because it can give people the impression that smaller sizes can be rushed and larger sizes should be more difficult.