Just pierced my ears(14g). How long until I can stretch?

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by unicornsuicide » Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:13 pm

I got them pierced yesterday and my piercer said they'd be healed in two weeks, but I know that's certainly not true. I've heard the healing time is anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months. I want to get to 4g as quickly as possible, but I also want to be safe about it. Suggestions?
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by corazon_de_oro » Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:46 am

Well, standard lobe piercings heal in about 8 weeks. However, healed doesn't mean "ready to stretch." I got my lobes pierced at 10G when I decided I wanted to stretch, and I waited almost 6 months. I tried after 5 months and they weren't quite ready; it stung and they got a little crusty. You have to wait until they're strong enough to handle stretching, which is about 6 months for most people. I definitely wouldn't do it before 4 months.
It sucks to wait that long, but your lobes will thank you. For me, the wait didn't seem like that long at all. And with stretching, "as quickly as possible" is not a good idea. Patience is your best friend.
I'm Lindsay.
I have 1/2" lobes and 11 piercings: left helix x2, both conches, both nostrils, septum, navel, and VCH.
My lobes are small but I know a lot about stretching and how to do it safely, so message me if you have any questions!
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by Narci » Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:19 pm

I agree with the above user.

Wait until they are completely healed. (Which does indeed take a few months)

I think you could get away with starting after 2 or 3 though, My ears were fine after that amount of time.
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